All workshops​ are a combination of :
How the brain works, neuroplasticity and creating new MIND MAPS of permanent change.
How to reboot the immune system and vagus nerve to create instant relaxation and calmness.
How to create a personal toolkit OF SELF HELP TOOLS to manage times of stress (physical, emotional and or mental).
How to switch into relaxation, into focusing and energising the mind and body.
Leaving the workshop connected, revitalised and having a deeper understanding of themselves, and others.

Stress and Anxiety Management
Retaining your valuable talent takes commitment, forward thinking and nurturing. If you expect your teams to be high-performing, then they need to feel valuable.
​Individuals who are high performers are also invariably more prone to stress, anxiety and 'imposter syndrome' - feelings of inadequacy that persist, despite evident success.
​Our workshops are evidence and solution-based and aimed at immediately reducing stress levels, increasing energy and allowing your brain to think clearly and focused.
When we disconnect with ourselves we become uninterested in those around us. We can then spiral downwards to feeling and being overwhelmed - and if we do not rebalance ourselves we can progress into depression.
When emotionally aware of who we are, our strengths, values and weaknesses we become connected with self and it is an upward flow of focus, engagement and energy. Enabling us to notice the triggers of stress and implement the necessary tools. By doing this we are able to be 'present in the moment' and connect mind, body and spirit.

I am not a robot! Rebooting the human in you..
Two-day workshop, aimed at senior leaders and those in professional and personal development.
Under pressure, in "crisis mode", we revert to old patterns of thinking, feeling and being. During the workshops individuals and teams learn how to 'rewire' those negative patterns of response by creating new mind maps on how they would like to feel and be instead. This solution-based approach formulates sustained and permanent change.
"We need to go back to basics of what it means to be human in order to reach our true potential and thrive - as individuals and as leaders."
Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Self Awareness
Emotional intelligence and resilience begins with self awareness - getting in touch with your inner self.
Leaders who heed to their inner self can draw on more resources to make better decisions and connect with their authentic self, which in turn allows them to connect and energise with others and their environment.
No leader, in todays world, should not be equipped with these vital skills.
Warrior Settler or Nomad
WSN is a hypothesis based on the evolutionary psychology of our early ancestors - the ancient warriors, farmers and explorers. Over 100,000 years their genetic information has been coded down to you - a living record of their lives and ways. Today, everyone is a mixture of these three archetypes.
We explore emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility to enhance self confidence. How our thoughts and beliefs shape our habits and how our habits affect how we think, feel, and do. This workshop is about self discovery and is a must of everyone wishing to enhance both their personal and work life.​
Energy and Sleep Management
Effective energy management is key to everyone. You cannot become a ‘corporate athlete’ if you do not nurture your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
​If companies only focus on their employees cognitive capabilities they invite disharmony and imbalance within individuals and teams, which can eventually lead to burn-out. Bottom line - your company will suffer.
Do you have a diverse organization but you are still lacking a culture of belonging? Engagement and retention revolve around the idea of inclusivity. Without it, you have a revolving door of talent.
When it comes to culture, change is possible, and it lies in the everyday habits of your workforce. Neuroscience and understanding how the brain works is fundamental in creating sustained change.
Because our brains do not know the difference between a fact and a belief we take on all sorts of beliefs, behaviours and habits from childhood. And some beliefs about ourselves are simply not true, such as "I am not good enough".
Also, one of the most amazing tools we have - our brain - does not know the difference between past, present and future. So, we can create a future memory and our brain will ‘store’ it like a regular memory. For example, "I am not good enough to lead this team". You create a future memory of how you would like to feel, how you would like to be, by over-writing the previous MIND MAPS. Another way of explaining it is that it is like updating your out-of-date neural software. It really is as simple as that!
This process can be used to boost your self-confidence, update the type of leader you become in a crisis, update negative thoughts and reactions.
Emotional Resilience @ Work
Training and educating employees on self-awareness, emotional intelligence and resilience at individual and group level creates organisational resilience and psychological safety, a more human-centred workplace and increases business performance.
Why is this so important in individuals ?
You are aware of your emotions and how it influences your behaviour.
You recognise the triggers of stress and how to implement tools to deal with situations in your environment.
You are empathic and understand how to connect and engage with those around you.
It encourages and supports creativity, innovation and motivation.
Individuals who are emotionally aware of themselves and others are more resilient. Why? Emotional resilience provides a buffer against internal and external factors – providing insight, control, agility and flexibility. This harnesses the ability to focus inward, outwards and on others.
The overall benefits:
An individual who feels and is connected with self and others.
A team who are congruent, engaged, supportive and focused…​